We believe that there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12
We believe in the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ and that He was sent by God to teach and show us the plan of salvation. St. Matt. 1:21
We believe that all have sinned and falling short of the glory of God. Therefore, we must all repent and be baptize in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin. Acts 2:37-38
We believe that the Lord has no respect of person. He is a Savior for all nations and races. Whosoever will let them come!
We believe once you have committed your life unto the work and service of His kingdom, then God will bless you spiritually and naturally.
We believe we must be born again to see and enter the kingdom of heaven and receive the gift of eternal life.
Our mission is to bring back the true purpose of praising and worshipping God through the written and spoken words of the prophets and apostles of Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to provide free services to the people of God in all aspects of our ministry as a true non-profit organization.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said freely I give unto you and freely you give unto the people.
Our Pastor and Officers all work for a heavenly reward not an earthly treasure ensuring that we can provide those services to the underserved in our communities.
Our goal is to educate those leaders who have denied the faith and made merchandise of the people with all the money raising schemes.
Our goal is to unite common believers that do not need unnecessary programs to serve God with joy. In fact, all those programs have nothing to do with the salvation plan of God.
Our goal is to provide help to the needy, feed the hungry, and give hope to the hopeless. We teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ without charge.
Our ultimate goal is to lead people to Christ and allow them to make a conscious decision about God.
We will educate young people in understanding the need to accept the gift that God has given to the world. We will teach them how to live and experience his love, mercy and grace in their everyday lives.
You can be happy, set free and blessed by the power of God. All you need is a little faith. Amen.